Are You Even An Indian Kid If You've Not Had Strict Parents? 15 Funny Things You'll Relate To
If you’re a true blue Indian child, chances are that you grew up with strict parents. You practically needed permission to breathe, let alone going out with friends. Your curfew time only allowed you play-dates because you had to come in before the sun went down. It is only once you grow up that you truly realise that had your parents not put some restrictions on you, you wouldn’t have turned out to be the person that you are today. While you understood even back then that they did all this out of care, it still meant living a rather difficult life while wishing for freedom everyday.
Here are things you’ll relate to only if you grew up with strict parents:
1. Going for to socialise with other kids? Off the limits!
2. And when you did go out, you’d be blasted with calls and messages asking where you were.
3. At times, even your friends would get calls from your parents which really just reduced you to a puddle of embarrassment.
4. And if you told them you’d be home by 7pm but it was already 7:05pm, you knew they were quite close to calling the cops to report that you were missing.
5. You needed at least two weeks to convince your parents to let you go out with friends.
6. Which is why your friends making spontaneous plans was always something that gave you anxiety.
7. When your friends asked if you could sneak out what they didn’t realise was that in your house getting caught sneaking out meant death.
8. Most of the times, you wouldn’t even ask your parents if you could go out because you knew the answer would be a big ‘no’.
9. Whenever you tried explaining to your friends that your parents are strict, you’d be met with surprised faces.
10. 'If you had fun today, you don’t need to have fun tomorrow' seemed to be your parents’ motto.
11. Your parents knew how much you loved your phone and would often use it to blackmail you.
12. And when your parents walked in on you using the phone late at night, you’d quickly hide it and pretend to be dead asleep because good kids don’t use phones at night.
13. Simply being in your room gave you the chills because your parents might come in, find something wrong and then ground you. You didn’t even have to do anything beyond existing.
But now, you’re at a point where you can finally understand and appreciate that it is because your parents were strict that you’ve turned out to be the person that you are.