5 Things You Can Do This Mahashivratri to Raise Your Vibration
Let us first understand the essence and significance of Mahashivratri: Mahashivratri, the “Great Night of Shiva,” is one of the most fortunate nights in the Hindu calendar, dedicated to Lord Shiva, the cosmic transformer, and is believed to be the night when the divine energy is at its peak. It is an opportunity to dissolve negative karma and open oneself to divine grace.
Mahashivratri is the night when Lord Shiva and Shakti get married again. As Shiva arrived with his entire marriage procession, including ghosts (bhoot), spirits (pret), sages (rishis), and saints (munis), he did not appear as a traditional groom. Instead, he appeared, in Aghori form. However, Goddess Parvati accepted him wholeheartedly as her husband just as he was. On her acceptance, Shiva transformed into the most dashing and divine presence. This sacred night signifies acceptance, the balance of masculine and feminine energies, and the ability to harness the planetary energies surrounding us. Siddhii Shaah Healer, Angel Card Reader, Spiritual Energy Activation Coach and founder of Yana’s Healing Studio shares all you need to know:
This Mahashivratri is special due to unique planetary alignments:
Some planetary positions represent the end of cycles.
Others signify overcoming challenging times.
Certain alignments represent great power and transformation.
When combined, these energies uplift the power and vibrations of Mahashivratri, making it an ideal time for spiritual growth and alignment.
Five Powerful Practices you can do to uplift Your Vibration This Mahashivratri
1. Acceptance and Purging
Before beginning your evening rituals, engage in a powerful exercise of emotional cleansing. Take a piece of paper and write down all the painful memories and experiences you have suffered from throughout your life. Chant a prayer to the universe to disconnect yourself from these pains—emotionally, physically, and mentally. Then, tear the paper and dispose of it immediately. This act of purging allows you to release past burdens and accept all experiences as part of your personal growth.
2. Finding Balance and Aligning Chakras
Take deep breaths and calm yourself down to upraise your inner energies. While doing this keep yourself well-hydrated. Focus on each chakra from the crown to the root, imagining white light entering and energizing each one. Support this exercise with Anulom Vilom Pranayama or Bhramari Pranayama. This practice strengthens your aura and intensifies your spiritual energy. Strengthen it by chanting Shiva mantras to deepen your connection.
3. Entering the State of Thoughtlessness
After balancing your chakras, move into a state of deep meditation. Watch your thoughts and slowly let them disappear until your mind reaches a state of complete blankness. It might take some time to reach this state, but when you experience this nothingness, you begin to connect with Shiva’s energy. Spiritual awakening arises from this place of quietness.
4. Chant, Sing, and Dance in Devotion
Chant the names of Shiva and Shakti, sing bhajans, or dance in divine ecstasy to awaken your spiritual energy. Surrender yourself to devotional practices that will build up your ability to get cosmic energy and connect deeply with the divine. Keep yourself away from worldly pleasures and distractions.
5. Maintain Silence and Consume Saatvik Food
Silence is one of the most potent spiritual practices on Mahashivratri. Avoid all kinds of negative influences. Maintaining silence helps conserve energy and enhances inner awareness. Consume only sattvic (pure) food which purifies the body and mind, making you more receptive to higher vibrations.
Mahashivratri is a gateway to reach the height of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, and this year’s unique planetary alignments make it even more potent. By doing the above five transformational exercises, you can raise your vibration, purify your karma, and get attuned to cosmic energies. Even if you can do one or two of these exercises, you will feel a deep sense of peace and spiritual upliftment.